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Frequently Asked Questions

April 20th, 2022

1. Why should I bring my child to see a pediatric dentist?

In many ways, taking your child to a pediatric dentist is like taking your child to a pediatrician – both are doctors who focus on the health of infants, children, adolescents and young adults, from birth to age 21.

A pediatric dental specialist has received two to three additional years of training after dental school to specifically treat your child’s oral needs, which are different from those of an adult. Baby teeth are not simply “little teeth”; they are an important part of your child’s growth and development, and they sometimes require different dental techniques or treatment that a general dentist is not equipped to do. 

The biggest difference between seeing a general dentist vs. a pediatric dentist is that our pediatric dental offices are specifically designed to create a kid-friendly environment. Our equipment is child-sized; we use vibrant and fun colors and decor; and our staff are kid-loving moms and dads themselves who are trained to make all children feel safe, relaxed and comfortable during their visit. Taking your child to see a pediatric dentist helps encourage them to learn and practice great oral hygiene habits, because to children, it’s all about play! 

2. When will my baby start getting teeth?

Teething, the process of baby (primary) teeth coming through the gums into the mouth, varies from baby to baby.  In general, baby teeth first begin  erupting between the age of six and eight months, and they are usually the lower front teeth. (This is when you see the sweet bunny teeth in your newborn or toddler!)However, some babies don’t see their first teeth erupt until they’re closer to 18 months old. Even if your baby is toothless, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends taking your baby to your local pediatric dentist by age one so you can establish a healthy routine for your baby’s gums and teeth for when they do come in, and to identify any possible developmental concerns. To learn how to avoid baby bottle tooth decay, read our tips here. 

3. At what age should I bring my child for the first visit?

Age 1. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Dental Association recommend having your child’s first dental checkup at age one or when your child gets his or her first tooth!  Again, the purpose of this initial visit is to establish a dental home for your child where you can learn how to take care of your child’s teeth and begin a healthy routine for your child’s smile. 

4. How can I prepare my child for visiting the dentist?

The most important thing for you to do is to maintain a positive attitude. We know some adults dread going to the dentist, but your child is smart and can pick up on your own anxiety, apprehension if you personally fear the dentist. Treat it like a routine checkup with the pediatrician where your child gets to show off his growing, strong body! Show pictures of our office, doctors and staff to let your child know what to expect before you arrive. Play fun or calming music in the car over to our office. Bring a lovey or safety blanket, as you would to any new place. 

Remind your child that the dentist is the tooth doctor and is there to help your child keep his teeth and gums strong and healthy! The dentist is a superhero who helps your child fight the sugar bugs away, makes toothaches go away, and always, always, always wants to see your child smile. Plus, there’s usually a prize at the end of the visit for being brave and cooperative. Don’t be afraid to mention the playhouse, console games, and movie watching during the dental visit, if you’re comfortable allowing your child participate in these fun activities at our office. 

Lastly, have your child join or at least watch you brush and floss twice daily at home. You’re the perfect role model to teach your child healthy habits! For younger children, play mimicking games with your child to “open wide.” Use a washcloth to wipe your child’s teeth after each feeding. 

Just remember to relax and have fun meeting your child’s dentist! Usually if your child is crying, it’s because s/he doesn’t want to leave the playhouse! 5. Why are baby teeth important for my child?

Primary or “baby” teeth are important for many reasons. Not only do they help children speak clearly and chew food, baby teeth hold space for permanent teeth when they are ready to come in, which helps avoid crowding of teeth and the need for orthodontics like braces. It is also very, very important to start introducing your child to good oral hygiene habits and regular dental check-ups when they are young, to insure a long life with good oral health. Every child is born with one set of permanent teeth that should last a lifetime! 

6. What are dental caries or dental decay?

Dental caries (dental decay) is the process that causes cavities. Cavities are holes in the teeth, and they occur when acids in the mouth wear down, dissolve, or erode teeth. Acids usually come from bacteria in the mouth (the “sugar bugs”) that eat sugary foods and drinks (such as fruit, candy, crackers, ships, soft drinks, sports drinks, juice and milk). Brushing and flossing twice a day helps remove these acids on your child’s teeth so your child isn’t as likely to get a cavity. This is also why we encourage a diet low in sugar for our patient families! 

7. When should my child begin using toothpaste and how much should we use?

Fluoridated toothpaste should be introduced when a child is two years of age. Prior to that, parents should clean the child’s teeth with water and a soft-bristled toothbrush. When toothpaste is used after age two, the child should be supervised to make sure he or she uses a ‘smear’ of toothpaste, just enough to create foam on the toothbrush. Children should spit out and not swallow excess toothpaste after brushing. After age three, a pea-sized amount should be used.

10. How often should I brush my child’s teeth?

After each feeding, wipe the baby’s gums and teeth with a damp washcloth or gauze pad to remove plaque. The easiest way to do this is to sit down and place the child’s head in your lap. Children and adults should have their teeth brushed at least two times every day.

11. Why do you recommend fluoride?

Fluoride helps your child’s teeth remain strong and healthy. Getting an adequate amount of fluoride until the age of 16 is necessary to allow proper enamel development.

12. Are dental X-rays necessary for treating my child?

X-rays (radiographs) are an important part of your child’s dental diagnostic process. Without them, certain dental conditions can and will be missed. X-rays detect much more than cavities. If dental problems are found and treated early, dental care is more comfortable for your child and more affordable for you. Pediatric dentists are especially careful to limit the amount of radiation to which children are exposed.

At Carolina Pediatric Dentistry, we decrease radiation exposure by using a protective lead apron and the latest digital X-ray sensors, which require even less radiation than previous generation digital X-ray systems.

13. Can I stay with my child during the visit?

We invite you to accompany your child during his or her checkup dental appointments. As the little one gains confidence, we request that you allow your child to come back with our dental staff for future dental appointments. For the safety and privacy of all patients, other children who are not being treated should remain in the reception room with a supervising adult.  We would be happy to talk to you about our policy for treatment and sedation appointments.

14. How important is a balanced diet in preventing dental decay?

Very important. A daily diet should include all the major food groups of meat/fish/eggs, vegetable/fruit, bread/cereal, as well as milk and other dairy products. Snacking should also be limited. Read about healthy snack ideas on our blog. 

15. What are dental sealants?

A sealant refers to a plastic material that bonds into the grooves of the chewing surface of a tooth to prevent the formation of dental decay.

16. Are athletic mouthguards really necessary for sports activities?

A mouthguard protects the teeth from possible sports injuries. In addition, it also protects the lips, cheeks, tongue, and jaw bone. Most injuries occur to the mouth and head area when a child is not wearing a mouthguard. Custom mouthguards provide the most comfort and best fit for your child’s mouth. Ask one of the Doctors if a mouthguard will be beneficial for your child’s sports needs.

17. How often should I bring my child in for routine dental checkups?

Every six months. By seeing your child every six months, we can clean the teeth so they are free of plaque and tartar before serious problems develop. Children grow and change very quickly, so with regular check-ups, Dr. Morris or Dr. Johnson will not only check for dental decay, but also observe any irregularities in the teeth spacing, bite, tooth mobility, and facial structure.

If any problems have developed since the last visit, Dr. Morris or Dr. Johnson can apply appropriate and effective treatment. In addition, regular dental checkups at an early age will help your child accept good dental care as part of the normal routine.

To schedule your child's next dentist appointment, give us a call at (919) 570-0180 today! You can also request an appointment online through our website and we'll reach out to you as soon as possible.

18. Where can I find more information about oral health care for my child?

Here are some helpful resources:

Best Raleigh Female Pediatric Dentists

March 12th, 2021

Carolina Pediatric Dentistry employs some of the best female pediatric dentists in Raleigh. Our office offers a variety of services in a kid-friendly, modern environment for children of all ages. Regardless of your child’s stage in life or dental needs, our highly trained and experienced dental team can help. Here’s what you can expect if you choose us as your go-to pediatric dentist office.

A Kid-Friendly Office

We do everything possible to ensure your child has a positive experience from the moment they walk through our door. Our staff will help them feel calm and comfortable while they’re in the waiting room and exam. With our dentists by their side, your child may even look forward to dentist appointments. Our Waxhaw, NC orthodontist friends at Chad Johnson Orthodontics have raved about our fun and exciting pediatric dental office.

Additional Training

Our female dentists have undergone two to three years of additional training beyond dental school. This has allowed them to hone in on how to provide quality dental care to children. They know what it takes to support them as their dental needs change over time. Additionally, our dentists can relieve the anxiety that often comes with young children at the dentist.

Services for Children of All Ages

Whether you have a toddler, elementary school child, or high schooler, Carolina Pediatric Dentistry is ideal. We offer top-notch dental services for children of all ages. We also serve children with special needs such as autism, ADHD, and down syndrome. You can trust us to be your child's “dental home” throughout every stage of their life.

Advanced Technologies

At Carolina Pediatric Dentistry, we invest in a number of advanced technologies to make your child’s experience painless and comfortable. For example, we offer low radiation digital x-rays to quickly and effectively diagnose and treat hidden issues.

Contact Carolina Pediatric Dentistry Today

If you’d like to schedule an appointment at our office, we encourage you to call us at (919) 570-0180. We look forward to meeting you and your child!

What is baby bottle tooth decay (now know as Early Childhood Caries)?

April 8th, 2020

Great question! What was once known as baby bottle tooth decay and now called "early childhood caries" refers to the development of cavities in baby teeth, often caused by the frequent and long-term exposure of a child's teeth to liquids containing sugars. These liquids include milk, formula, fruit juice, sodas and other sweetened drinks. The bacteria in the mouth thrive on this sugar and produce acids that attack the infant's teeth and gums. After numerous attacks, cavities can begin to form.

The first rule is to make sure your child does not fall asleep with a bottle containing milk, formula, juice or other sweetened liquids. Giving an infant a sugary drink before bedtime is harmful because the flow of saliva decreases during sleep, allowing the sugary liquids to linger on the child's teeth for an extended period of time. If left untreated, pain and infection can result.

So, how can you prevent baby teeth from getting cavities?  In addition to eliminating sweet drinks, brush your child's teeth using a soft toothbrush, and a small amount of fluoride toothpaste.

The American Academy of Pediatrics, American Dental Association, and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommend that children have their first dental visit by 12 month of age.  We would love to meet your family and give your child the care they deserve! Please give us a call if your child hasn't visited our Raleigh and Wakefield office in the last six months or to set up a new patient appointment at one of our offices!

Welcome to Our Blog

January 30th, 2020

Thank you for taking the time to visit our blog. Please check back often for weekly updates on fun and exciting events happening at our office, important and interesting information about  the dental industry, and the latest news about our practice.

Feel free to leave a comment or question for our doctors and staff - we hope this will be a valuable resource for our patients, their families, and friends!

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(919) 570-0180
Monday - Friday 6:45AM - 5PM