How to Care for a Teething Baby

After hours of juggling a wailing baby, you’re probably desperate to address teething pain. If your baby is irritable, drooling, and chewing on hard objects, he or she is likely teething. Although some discomfort while your baby is teething is inevitable, learning a few basic approaches can ease painful gums and soothe your frazzled nerves.

  • Use a teething ring. A firm rubber teething ring allows your child to gnaw, and alleviates pain. If your baby seems to like sucking on a bottle, replace the milk or formula with water during teething periods. This reduces sugar intake and decreases the risk of tooth decay.
  • Cool it down. Stick a clean, moist washcloth in the freezer (place it on a tray for cleanliness) and offer that to your baby. The cooler temperature of the chilled cloth eases the pain of teeth erupting through the gums.
  • Use medications. If your baby seems to be especially uncomfortable, over-the-counter medications may be appropriate. Giving an age-appropriate dose of acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil) may reduce discomfort. Make sure you check with your child’s pediatrician or our office first to ensure the medication is safe.

Remember that your child is likely putting a lot of items in her mouth as she is seeking comfort and exploring the world around her. While some fussiness and discomfort is expected, a fever, upset stomach, nausea, and diarrhea are not.  In the event that any of those signs occur, you should contact your child's pediatrician immediately.

For more information about teething, or to schedule an appointment with Drs. LaRee Johnson, Clark Morris, Gentry Byrd, and Anne Baker, please give us a call at our convenient Raleigh and Wakefield office today!

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